Model Development for Reduction of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection among Children in Child Care Centers in Songkhla Province


  • บุญชัย ภูมิบ่อพลับ Office of Disease Prevention and Control 12, Songkhla
  • บงกช เชี่ยวชาญยนต์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control 12, Songkhla


Acute respiratory tract infection, Child care centers


This study aimed to develop a model to reduce the occurrence of acute respiratory tract infection among pre-school children in child care centers in Songkhla. Participatory Action Research was designed. One thousand and two hundreds pre-school children from 49 care centers were randomly recruited. Data collection was carried out by using the observation checklists. The results revealed that the development of activites and environment in care centers was markly changed with statistical significance (p < 0.01). The satisfaction of teachers was at high level. The morbidity rate of common cold among children was reduced from 46.5% in October 2006 to 25.7% in September 2007. Keys of success were enhanced teacher empowerment and the model with simple activities and recognizable benefits. These factors were important for the sustainability of the center activities. This model were able to reduce incidence rate of ARIC among children in the child care centers so it should be endorsed to be the policy statement of Ministry of Public Health.


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How to Cite

ภูมิบ่อพลับ บ, เชี่ยวชาญยนต์ บ. Model Development for Reduction of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection among Children in Child Care Centers in Songkhla Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2008 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];34(1):47-52. Available from:



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