The Effectiveness of an Application of Social Marketing in Promoting Stop Cigaratt Smoking Service in non-Commissioned Officers in Suranaree Fort, Nakorn Ratchasima Province


  • ศรีสมร กมลเพ็ชร Office of Disease Prevention and control 5th Nakorn Ratchasima
  • นัชชา พรหมพันใจ Office of Disease Prevention and control 5th Nakorn Ratchasima
  • วีรศักดิ์ คงสืบชาติ สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 5 นครราชสีมา
  • สุพรรณี เจริญวงศ์เพ็ชร Office of Disease Prevention and control 5th Nakorn Ratchasima
  • นิ่มนวล พรายน้ำ Office of Disease Prevention and control 5th Nakorn Ratchasima
  • ฉัตรพิมล ชุนประสาน Suranaree Fort Hospital


Effectiveness, social marketing, Stop cigaratt smoking


The objective of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effectiveness of social marketing towards changing of cigarette smoking behavior in non-Commissioned officers in Nakonratchasima Province. The concepts of social marketing was used as frame work. The study process was comprised of two major phases, phase one consisted of the qualitative data collection for the purposes of planning and phase two was implementation of social marketing officers were selected by purposive sampling technique form 2 army fort, as study and control qroups. Data were collected before and after the experiment by using questionnaire and interview and analysed by percentage, means, S.D., Student t-test, Paired Sample t-test, and Z-test. The results of study revealed that in the study group, the perception of susceptibility, severity and money-saving benefit were significantly improved than control group (P<0.05). It was also found that the proportion of officers in study who could stop smoking by themselves were significantly higher than the control group. In conclusion, the activities from Social Marketing concepts applied, can change cigarette smoking behavior.


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How to Cite

กมลเพ็ชร ศ, พรหมพันใจ น, คงสืบชาติ ว, เจริญวงศ์เพ็ชร ส, พรายน้ำ น, ชุนประสาน ฉ. The Effectiveness of an Application of Social Marketing in Promoting Stop Cigaratt Smoking Service in non-Commissioned Officers in Suranaree Fort, Nakorn Ratchasima Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];33(2):81-92. Available from:



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