The Comparative of Risk Factors on Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Doembangnangbuat Hospital


  • ประภาส จิบสมานบุญ Doembangnangbuat Hospital, Suphan Buri Province


Diabetic Mellitus Disease, Foot Ulcer, Doembangnangbuat Hospital


This retrospective analytic study aimed to compare risk factors; fasting plasma glucose, serum cholesterol, triglyceride and body mass index (BMI) between diabetic mellitus (DM) patients who had wound at foot (DM foot group) and who did not have (non-DM foot group). 364 medical records from 3,616 patients diagnosed of having DM at Doembangnangbuat Hospital between January 2009- August 2010 were chosen by simple random sampling method, 117 DM foot patients and 247 non DM foot patients. Data analysis used were frequency, percent, standard deviation and independent t-test. The results were shown that 1. 53.8% of DM foot group and 77.3% of non-DM foot group were female. Majority of the patients were more than 60 years old (42.7% and 55.5% of DM foot group and non DM foot group respectively), had high normal blood pressure (59.8% and 52.2% of DM foot group and non DM foot group respectively). Both groups were diagnosed of having DM for 1-3 years (40.2% and 36.8% of DM foot group and non DM foot group respectively). 2. The mean fasting plasma glucose, serum cholesterol and triglyceride of DM foot group was higher than that of non DM foot group (mean+/- SD =173.46 +/-69.48, 211.85+/-56.3, and 199.08+/-128.19 respectively). The mean BMI of non DM foot group was higher than the mean BMI of DM foot group (mean+/-SD=25.34+/-6.27) 3. There was a statistical significance (P<0.05) between mean fasting plasma glucose level in DM foot group and non DM foot group. The mean serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and BMI between both groups were not different.


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How to Cite

จิบสมานบุญ ป. The Comparative of Risk Factors on Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Doembangnangbuat Hospital. Dis Control J [internet]. 2010 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(3):154-63. available from:



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