The Use of Group Process with Social Support to Control Blood Sugar Level in Diabetes mellitus Type 2 Patients in Nong-ee-boot Village, Huay Peung District, Kalasin Province


  • สิรวิชญ์ วิชญธีรากุล Kalasin Provincial Health Office


Blood sugar level, Diabetes mellitus type 2 patients


This study was quasi-experimental research aimed to measure the use of group process with social support to control blood sugar level in DM type 2 patients during 14 December 2007 to 22 February 2008. There were 54 DM patients, divided into 2 groups as experimental and non-experimental group, which 27 subjects in each group. The residence of the experimental group was in Nong-ee-boot and the control group was in Khainun, Huay Peung district, Kalasin province. The experimental group was conducted to use 6 consecutive group processes with social support every 2 weeks. The data were collected by interviewing before and after the intervention. The results showed that the experimental group and the control group were similarity on demographics, societies and economics. The knowledge of DM, the dietary control, the exercise, the medication, the stress status, the foot care, the symptom observe, the frequency of having foods, and blood sugar level in experimental group and control group before the intervention were not difference. But among experimental group, after intervention, there had significantly higher score than before intervention. Regarding to knowledge, dietary control, exercise, medication, feet care, symptoms observation, frequency of having foods, and blood sugar level, after intervention, it was shown that experimental group had significantly higher score than the control group, while the scores of control group were not difference before and after intervention. Moreover, the stress after intervention in the experimental group was similarity to control group. But among control group, the stress was statistically difference before and after intervention.


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How to Cite

วิชญธีรากุล ส. The Use of Group Process with Social Support to Control Blood Sugar Level in Diabetes mellitus Type 2 Patients in Nong-ee-boot Village, Huay Peung District, Kalasin Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];36(4):228-37. Available from:



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