The Development of Risk Communication Model for Diabetes mellitus


  • นิตยา พันธุเวทย์ Bureau of Non-Communicable Diseases Department of Disease Control
  • นุชรี อาบสุวรรณ Bureau of Non-Communicable Diseases Department of Disease Control


Risk communication, Diabetes mellitus


Model development of risk communication for Diabetes mellitus prevention and control was operated for 2 years (October 2007 - September 2009). The population was studied in Moo 4 and Moo 13 Pran-on Village Tambon Khamarheun , Muang District , Mukdahan Province. Data was collected by questionnaire, focus group discussion and indepth interview. The results concluded that risk communication model was composed of three elements: 1. risk assessment 2. risk management and 3. monitoring and Evaluation. The importance factor was two-way communication and interactive discussion through all elements.


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How to Cite

พันธุเวทย์ น, อาบสุวรรณ น. The Development of Risk Communication Model for Diabetes mellitus. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];36(4):199-207. Available from:



Original Article