Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude and Risk Behavior among Youth in Bangkok Academic Institute


  • นุชนารถ แก้วดำเกิง Bureau of AIDS, Tuberculosis and STIs Department of Disease Control
  • ชีวนันท์ เลิศพิริยสุวัฒน์ Bureau of AIDS, Tuberculosis and STIs Department of Disease Control
  • กฤตยา กล่ำวิจิตร Bureau of AIDS, Tuberculosis and STIs Department of Disease Control


Knowledge, attitude, behavior, AIDS, Youth


The objective of this study was to survey the knowledge, attitude toward the HIV/AIDS prevention and risk behavior among youth in Bangkok academic institute. The samples consisted of students in the secondary schools and vocational colleges. The questionnaires were used to retrieve the data in May and August 2009. The results indicated that the samples had knowledge and attitude toward AIDS higher than before participating the program. The samples who answered the AIDS knowledge and AIDS epidemic accurately were higher than before participating the program. Most of samples who ever used drug and alcohol before sexual intercourse did not use condom. The reasons of this behavior were the misconception about condom used-unnatural feeling, not having fun, afraid of partner's distrust, afraid of family and social blaming and stigmatization. In addition, this study showed that the number of HIV blood testing between people who had or never had sex was not significant difference. The AIDS/HIV prevention activities in academic institute should be cooperated with school boards, teachers, students and related people. The activities should be appropriate to the youth contexts, having fun and building on youth participation.


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How to Cite

แก้วดำเกิง น, เลิศพิริยสุวัฒน์ ช, กล่ำวิจิตร ก. Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude and Risk Behavior among Youth in Bangkok Academic Institute. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2011 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];37(2):117-2. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/155564



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