Model of Empowerment for Development Participatory Prevention Behavior of Avian Influenza in Kamphaengphet Province


  • สำราญ สิริภคมงคล Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8 Department of Disease Control
  • สวรรยา สิริภคมงคล Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8 Department of Disease Control
  • เกรียงกมล เหมือนกรุด Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8 Department of Disease Control
  • เปมิกา แก้ววัตถา Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8 Department of Disease Control


Empowerment evaluation, Participatory behavior, Avian influenza


This study aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of empowerment evaluation model to conduct people participatory behavior for prevention of avian influenza in Kamphaengphet Province. It was designed as a comparative study. The study group were 40 people who randomized selected from Moo 2, Tambon Wang Kheam, Khong khlung District while the control group were 40 peoplefrom Moo 2, Tambon ThakhunramMuang. The model of empowerment evaluation for development participatory prevention behavior of Avian Influenza evaluation was intervened in study group. The questionnaires were composed of the questions aboutgeneral information knowledge ,attitude ,risk perception ,severity of disease perception barrier on implementation perception and disease prevention benefit perception of Avian influenza. The data was analyzed by means, standard deviation and student t- test. The results revealed that before intervention , the mean scores of all variables of study group and control group were not different significantly. While after intervention, the mean score of knowledge, severity of disease perception, barrier on implementation perception, disease prevention benefit perception and participatory behavior of people in the study group were more than the control group significantly. (p - value = .001) The finding demonstrated that the empowerment evaluation model could improve participatory behaviors for Avian influenza prevention.


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How to Cite

สิริภคมงคล ส, สิริภคมงคล ส, เหมือนกรุด เ, แก้ววัตถา เ. Model of Empowerment for Development Participatory Prevention Behavior of Avian Influenza in Kamphaengphet Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];37(4):287-95. Available from:



Original Article