AIDS Prevention and Control Pattern in Khaochaithong Sub-DistrictAdministrative Organization, Nakhon Sawan province.


  • สายรุ้ง จันทรปราสาท Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8, Nakhonsawan
  • ฐิติพร วงศ์ศิริอำนวย Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8, Nakhonsawan
  • เอื้อมขวัญ จันเต็ม Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8, Nakhonsawan


Pattern, AIDS, Sub-district Administrative Organization


This study was a development research to create AIDS prevention and control pattern in Khaochaithong sub-district administrative organization, Nakhon Sawan province and to compare with East Nakhonsawan sub-district administrative organization. There were 400 people in the sample group who lived in Khaochaithong district, 13-65 years old during May 2009 to April 2010. The study was divided into two periods, firstly,to create a pattern in AIDS prevention and control pattern in Khaochaithong sub-district administrative organization. Session 2 was to study by using the pattern compare with East Nakhonsawan sub-district administrative organization. The study found that District AIDS Committee was established. The major activities included training and education on AIDS knowledge, outreach campaign, KM forum, people with HIV and AIDS club (Famai club) and evaluation. The samples from the Khaochaithong sub-district administrativeorganization had tknowledge, attitudes and behaviors in the prevention of HIV and AIDS issues better at statistically significant 0.05 level. The study recommended that in order to achieve sustainability, this program should be defined in 3 year/5 year plan of local government organizations with the involvement of multisector and integrated into local level.


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How to Cite

จันทรปราสาท ส, วงศ์ศิริอำนวย ฐ, จันเต็ม เ. AIDS Prevention and Control Pattern in Khaochaithong Sub-DistrictAdministrative Organization, Nakhon Sawan province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2011 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];37(4):253-9. Available from:



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