Appropriateness of Vaccine Use in Flooding Situation


  • จรุง เมืองชนะ National Vaccine Institute
  • เกศินี มีทรัพย์ National Vaccine Institute
  • สมฤดี จันทร์ฉวี National Vaccine Institute
  • นันทะภร แก้วอรุณ National Vaccine Institute
  • วรวรรณ กลิ่นสุภา National Vaccine Institute
  • ณรรจยา โกไศยกานนท์ National Vaccine Institute


Vaccine Use, Flooding Situation


Increasing incidences of vaccine preventable disease might be found during flooding, however, appropriateness of vaccine use during such situation was unclear. To find out the appropriateness of vaccine use during such situation, variety of information sources including books, reports as well as internet were reviewed. From the reviews on disease situations and vaccines, including cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A, rota diarrheal diseases, influenza, measles, and tetanus, we found that there was no vaccine significantly indicated for use during flooding and vaccines were not available in Thailand and the world for leptospirosis and dengue fever, respectively. Vaccine use for public during flooding mainly depended on the disease situation, vaccine characteristic and capacity of responsible facilities. Inappropriate use of vaccines during emergency situation


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How to Cite

เมืองชนะ จ, มีทรัพย์ เ, จันทร์ฉวี ส, แก้วอรุณ น, กลิ่นสุภา ว, โกไศยกานนท์ ณ. Appropriateness of Vaccine Use in Flooding Situation. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];38(1):61-76. Available from:



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