Knowledge and Attitudes of Family Planning among Women Infected with HIV/AIDS in Bumrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute


  • ปิยวรรณ ลิ้มปัญญาเลิศ Bamrasnaradura Infectious Institute Department of Disease Control


Family Planning, Women Infected with HIV / AIDS, Bumrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute


This study demonstrated knowledge and attitudes of family planning among women infected with HIV / AIDS. The data were collected by interviews HIV-infected women in reproductive ages, 15-49 years old, who attended Obstetrics - Gynecology clinic, Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute. The study was conducted during October 2010 - December 2010. The study found that 6.396 of the patients had good knowledge, 36.396 had medium knowledge and 57.496 of the patients (score less than 50 percent) should be improved their knowledge. Most of the knowledge was obtained from medical personnel (79.996). The study found the following factors was increased patients' family planning practice; knowing that oral antiviral drug consistently can reduce the rate of infection from mother to child, positive attitude about the sterilization, positive attitude that their children can live as normal people, their state of anxiety and depression, with statistical significance (p <0.05). Family planning clinics would support and development of family planning to a better family planning in this group of patients.


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How to Cite

ลิ้มปัญญาเลิศ ป. Knowledge and Attitudes of Family Planning among Women Infected with HIV/AIDS in Bumrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2012 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];38(1):31-4. Available from:



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