Changing of Risky Eating Behavior for Liver Fluke Disease: Case study in Mueang Roi-Et District, Roi-Et province, 2011
Risky Eating Behavior, Liver Fluke DiseaseAbstract
The objective of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effectiveness of the risky eating behavior for liver fluke disease in Muengroi-et dristrict Roi-Et Province, year 2011. Study sample was 1000 population divided to be experiment group and control group who lived in risky area with eating behavior for liver fluke disease. Trend of studying would provide the knowledge about liver fluke disease and danger 1) Seminar and information provided regarding liver fluke disease and danger 2) Knowledge distributed by health volunteers about liver fluke disease 3) Visualized by microscope about eggs and opisthorchis 4) Feces inspection for liver fluke disease before and after intervention by researcher and health personnel. Data were collected by evaluating and interviewing. The feces inspection before and after intervention for liver fluke disease would be divided into two stages approximately 11 months interval. Research compared between attitude toward control and prevent disease; method to control and prevent themselves from the disease; feces inspection in order to find eggs and liver fluke disease. Data analysis using statistics - mode percentages mean chi-square and t-test. Result found that the experiment group gained higher level of attitude and practice about liver fluke disease than control group (P <.05). The rate of feces inspection for liver fluke in the experiment group was higher than in control group (P <.05). The rate of liver fluke finding by feces inspection in experiment group was lower than in control group (P <.05). The results of this research indicated that this new developing model could be brought and generalized to other areas which having the same characteristics.
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