Factors Associated to District-Level Border Committee for Communicable Disease Surveillance Prevention and Control along Thai - Cambodia Border


  • รวิสรา จิรโรจน์วัฒน Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3, Chonburi
  • กุลยา เชี่ยวโสธร Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3, Chonburi
  • อุดมศักดิ์ อิ่มสว่าง Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3, Chonburi




Communicable diseases, Thia- Cambodia border, Surveillance, prevention and control


The purpose of this study was to determine the roles and jobs obstacle of District-Level Border Committee (DLBC) and to identify factors affecting the achievement of communicable disease surveillance prevention and control among the Thai-Cambodian border labors. The samples were 87 DLBC members from Chantaburi and Trat province. The results of the study revealed that most members of DLBC were bachelor degree head officer (12.8%), have trained in administration (46.0%), have had working experience with many organizations (81.6%). Beside of security watching, the DLBC participated in diseases control activities as well. It was found that, no written job for DLBC leading to no system of problem analyses, target setting planning and budget allocation. Operational problems were language used in communication, cooperation among employers and employees to solve health problems. All selected factor such as policy, structure, cooperation, attitude towards foreign labors and job motivation were significantly associated with DLBC performance in communicable disease surveillance prevention and control. These factors were related to effectiveness of planning implementation and satisfaction. It is recommended that specific problems of the committee should be analyzed and used for planning congruent with specific areas in controlling disease. National policy on disease control of foreign labors along the border should be launched to increase job efficiency and to decrease concerned impacts in public health and national security.


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How to Cite

จิรโรจน์วัฒน ร, เชี่ยวโสธร ก, อิ่มสว่าง อ. Factors Associated to District-Level Border Committee for Communicable Disease Surveillance Prevention and Control along Thai - Cambodia Border. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];39(1):75-81. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/154383



Original Article