Factors associated with event-based surveillance reporting from sub-district level


  • วันชัย อาจเขียน Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
  • โสภณ เอี่ยมศิริถาวร Office of Disease Prevention and Control, region 1 Bangkok, Thailand
  • นิภาพรรณ สฤษดิ์อภิรักษ์ Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand




event-based surveillance, reporting, data quality


In 2013, below half of sub-districts in Thailand had reported abnormal events into the event-based surveillance system. To identify factors associated with events reporting and quality of outbreak detection, a cross-sectional analytic study was conducted during July-December 2014. Three hundred and one districts were selected and classified into 2 groups by the median number of district reports in each province as group of frequent reporting districts (146 ) and group of infrequent reporting districts (155). Statistical analyses 120 were done by Epi info 3.4.3. The results showed that characteristics of both groups were similar except number of sub-districts in the district (p<0.0001). Factors significantly associated with events reporting were receiving the assessment of Disease Control District Qualified Criteria, certification of SRRT standard, coverage of sub-districts in using logbook and web-application for events reporting, number of personnel in charge at district level, having related project and performance indicators, route of outbreak news communi¬cation within district, receiving notification and use of data from the surveillance system. In 2013, there were 320 events showed in questionnaire survey. The Group of frequent reporting districts had more high numbers and more non-public health data sources. The number of events from this survey was matched with the events in the event-based surveillance database and the national outbreak verification database for 25.31% and 10.00%, respectively. Improving system quality needs clear standard and performance indicators, streng thening work mechanism at district level, new reporting channel, increasing new data sources, and studying the quality of event reporting.


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How to Cite

อาจเขียน ว, เอี่ยมศิริถาวร โ, สฤษดิ์อภิรักษ์ น. Factors associated with event-based surveillance reporting from sub-district level. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];41(2):120-9. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/153844



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