Situation of drug resistant tuberculosis in Koh Samui District, Suratthani Province during 2012-2014
drug resistance among new TB cases, drug resistance among previously treated TB cases, multidrug-resistant tuberculosisAbstract
Objectives: This study aimed to assess tuberculosis drug-resistant proportion in smear-positive tuberculosis (SS+) patients who had follow up at TB Clinic, Koh Samui Hospital between 2012, 2013 and 2014. Moreover, we aimed to compare the proportion of tuberculosis drug-resistant between Thai patients and non-Thai patient, and also HIV co-infections and non-HIV co-infections. Methods: The design of this study is cross sectional study, data was collected from medical record so fall smear-positive tuberculosis patients at Koh Samui Hospital in 2012-2014. Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test was used to compare the proportion of tuberculosis drug-resistance between Thai patients and non-Thai patient, and also between HIV co-infections and non-HIV co-infections. Results: The study revealed that 157 of 178 smear-positive (AFB strain) patients had tuberculosis. 15% of 178 were HIV co-infection. The median age was 39 years (Interquartile range, 30-50). In 2012, 2013 and 2014, drug resistance among new TB cases was 27%, 30% and 31%, respectively; drug resistance among previously treated TB cases was 50%, 50% and 67%, respectively; and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) was 6.5%, 5.6% and 6.5%, respectively. There were no significant differences of TB drug-resistance proportion between Thai patients and non-Thai patients (all p>0.05). Moreover, the proportion of drug resistance among new TB cases in HIV co-infections is significant higher than non-HIV co-infections (p = 0.021). Conclusion: The proportion of TB drug-resistance in Koh Samui Hospital was higher than the proportion of TB drug-resistance nationwide which report in 2013, especially for drug resistance among new TB cases. Therefore, effective controlling measures should be implemented.
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