Development model of communicable disease surveillance system at a district level in the Northeastern Thailand


  • เกษร แถวโนนงิ้ว Office of Disease Prevention and Control,region 6 Khon Kaen
  • สุพัฒน์ ธาตุเพชร Kummalasai Hospital, Kalasin Province
  • เกษราวัลณ์ นิลวรางกูร Research and Training Center for Enhancing Quality of Life of Working-Age People,Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University
  • ศศิธร ตั้งสวัสดิ์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control,region 6 Khon Kaen
  • ปักษิณ สารชัย Kummalasai Hospital, Kalasin Province



model development, communicable surveillance system


This participatory action research aimed to improve communicable disease surveillance system at district level in a province in the Northeastern by selecting to study purposively 1 community hospital 17 health centers, 2 district health office, and 17 sub-district administrative organizations; a total was 37 health facilities. There were 60 local officers from those places by purposive sampling. Quantitative data were collected through reviewing medical records. Qualitative data were obtained through focus groups and in-depth interviews, and analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Using quantitative data was evaluated by descriptive statistics and proportional differences before and after intervention. The results of the early stage of the surveillance system showed that health personnel had insufficient knowledge of surveillance. They used less case definition on reporting disease. The information in surveillance system could explain less disease situations in local area. The sensitivities were also low. Then, local surveillance personnel and research team participated to improve communicable disease surveillance system in district level to solve the problems. They could improve surveillance system better (sensitivity, positive predictive value, representativeness, timeliness and data quality). Qualitative data supported quantitative data. This study offered new guidelines of communicable disease surveillance system in district, cooperative works process, cooperative equitation, reality reflection and cooperative discussion for being proud of self-reflection. Assessment of satisfaction participants found that a satisfactory was high level.


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How to Cite

แถวโนนงิ้ว เ, ธาตุเพชร ส, นิลวรางกูร เ, ตั้งสวัสดิ์ ศ, สารชัย ป. Development model of communicable disease surveillance system at a district level in the Northeastern Thailand. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];41(4):329-40. Available from:



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