Standard evaluation of thermal fog generator of network, the Office of Disease Prevention and Control, region 6 Khon kaen


  • บุญเทียน อาสารินทร์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control, region 6 Khon kaen
  • บุญส่ง กุลโฮง Office of Disease Prevention and Control, region 6 Khon kaen
  • พรทวีวัฒน์ ศูนย์จันทร์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control, region 6 Khon kaen
  • ธงชัย เหลาสา Office of Disease Prevention and Control, region 6 Khon kaen



thermal fog generator, flow rate, insecticides, volume median diameter


This Study aimed to evaluate the thermal fog generator of network for the Office of Disease Preven¬tion and Control, rigion 6 Khon Kaen according to standard. This study is a cross-sectional study that specifically chose 24 government sectors as study areas. The result showed there were 102 thermal fog generators, but only 75 of them could be evaluated, which is 73.5°/o. The generators are of 6 brands, which are Igeba TF35 (28 units), Swing Fog SN50 (22 units), Best Fogger (10 units), Lite Fog (8 units), ss. Fog (6 units), and Golden Fog (1 units). The 27 other generators could not be evaluated. The temperature measurement of the available generators found that 63 are in the standard, which is 84.096. 12 others are over or under than the standard, which is 16.096. The generators with standardized chemical substance flow rate are 40, which is 53.396. 35 others are over or under the standard, which is 46.796. Volume median diameter (VMD) measurement found that 56 generators are over the standard, which is 74.796. 19 are in the standard, which is 25.396. Therefore, the government sectors should regular check and calibrate thermal fog generators according to standard for effective disease control from mosquitoes.


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How to Cite

อาสารินทร์ บ, กุลโฮง บ, ศูนย์จันทร์ พ, เหลาสา ธ. Standard evaluation of thermal fog generator of network, the Office of Disease Prevention and Control, region 6 Khon kaen. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];41(1):50-6. Available from:



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