Quality of life of persons affected by leprosy in Health Region 3 Nakhon Sawan


  • ธิดา นิ่มมา Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 3, Nakhonsawan
  • อานุวัฒน์ ราณรงค์ Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 3, Nakhonsawan
  • เสาวนีย์ โคตะมา Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 3, Nakhonsawan




quality of life, persons affected with leprosy


This descriptive study has the objective to study the quality of life (QOL) of persons affected by leprosy and its related factors. Total 150 persons affected registered in the 3rd. Health Region, Nakhon Sawan, were enrolled in the study from December 2015 to February 2016. Research tools consisted of the general existing information, WHO-QOL-BRFE-Thai modified interviewing questionnaire which was developed to interview the quality of life of persons affected together with their needs to receive the welfare service in the community in the 3rd. Health Region, Nakhon Sawan. Results of the study was analyzed by using the descrip¬tive statistics such as number, percentage and determination of statistical correlation by using chi-square test. Overall results revealed that majority of persons affected were male of 71-80 years of age whose education were under primary education (54.0%) and illiteracy (32.0%). More than half of them were unemployed while the rest have monthly income from 4,250 to 5,250 baht. Meanwhile, more than half of them were living without care givers and any information in regard to their social welfares rights and benefits as being persons with disability (89.3%). Regarding the levels of quality of life, majority of them possessed moder¬ate QOL in terms of physical, mental, social relation and environmental dimension. Related factors which affected QOL were age, marital status, occupation, participation in community together with their perception of social welfare’s rights and benefits. (p<0.05).Their main needs were appropriate foot wear and prosthesis. Authors recommended that the development of QOL of persons affected should be based on integrated, con¬tinuous and holistic approaches with more effectively networking participation from relating sectors such as public health sector, local administration organization, provincial office of social development and human security. Apart from that, further study on appropriate model development for QOL of persons affected in the 3rd. Health Region was also recommended.


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How to Cite

นิ่มมา ธ, ราณรงค์ อ, โคตะมา เ. Quality of life of persons affected by leprosy in Health Region 3 Nakhon Sawan. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];42(4):360-7. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/152395



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