The study of knowledge, perception and disease prevention control behaviors level on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever of public health volunteers Case study: Phran Kratai District, Kamphaeng Phet Province


  • ประเทือง ฉ่ำน้อย Office of Disease Prevention and control region 3, Nakhon Sawan



Knowledge and disease prevention control behaviors


The knowledge, perception and disease prevention control behaviors level on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever of public health volunteers Case study: Phran Kratai District, Kamphaeng Phet Province, the aim to study the knowledge level about the disease, awareness about the disease, operating behavior in the prevention and control of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and the relationship between personal factors, knowledge. Awareness about the disease, and the prevention control behavior of dengue. Cross-sectional analytics study design, conducted during July-December 2558 B.E. Data were collected by questionnaires of 10 Tambon, 116 villages, 300 sample results were as follows. Most of them were female 78.60%, age between 41-50 years old 40.00%, primary school 70.00%, farmers 50.00%, followed by the employee 31.00%, time to public health volunteer less than 10 years 72.40% and 68.30% not held other positions in the village. (1) Knowledge on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever was moderate level. No personal characteristics influenced to knowledge on Dengue fever. (2) The perceived on severity of dengue disease was moderate level. No personal characteristics influenced to perceived on severity of the disease. (3) The perceived on risk of disease was high level. Age was differences the perceived on risk of dengue disease had difference in statistically significant at the 0.05 level. (4) The perceived on efficacy of self-control to prevention and control dengue fever was high level. The gender factor and held on other positions in villages were difference with the perceived on efficacy of self-control to prevention and control dengue fever statistically significant at the 0.05. (5) The behavior to prevention and control of dengue was high level. No personal characteristics influenced to practices in dengue prevention and control. (6) The knowledge, gender, the perceived on risk, self-efficacy of dengue fever there were correlated to the prevention and control of dengue behavior with statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The recommendations from this research: Should promote the development potential to public health volunteers in knowledge about the dengue disease, severity of the disease for develop to guide the people in the community so that the community can be carries out by themselves, health officials in the area should be inform of the disease situation to the public health volunteers constantly and introduce or supply a source of knowledge that can be research more about the disease.


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How to Cite

ฉ่ำน้อย ป. The study of knowledge, perception and disease prevention control behaviors level on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever of public health volunteers Case study: Phran Kratai District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];42(2):138-50. Available from:



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