The model of Village Health Volunteers development for behavior modification for liver fluke prevention of local people in Northeast region


  • มนัสนันท์ ลิมปวิทยากุล Bureau of Risk Communication and Health Behavior Development, Department of Disease Control
  • กรัณฑรัตน์ บุญช่วยธนาสิทธิ์ Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • นิรันตา ไชยพาน Bureau of Risk Communication and Health Behavior Development, Department of Disease Control
  • จักรกฤษณ์ พลราชม Faculty of Public Health, Kasetsart University Chalermphrakiat Sakon Nakhon Province Campus
  • มาสริน ศุกลปักษ์ Boromarajonnani College of Nursing, Nonthaburi Province



Village Health Volunteer, behavior modification, liver fluke


The objectives of this research were to develop the model of Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) de¬velopment for behavior modification for liver fluke prevention of local people in Northeast region. The study was research and development design. The research was divided into 2 phases. The first phase aimed to establish and examine the developed model by considering the model of VHVs development through a sem¬inar of 12 experts. The second phase aimed to test the model of VHVs development, selected by simple random sampling. The sample consisted of 570 VHVs and 1,143 people in three provinces of Northeast region, TaoNgoi District Sakonnakhon Province, Selaphum District Roiet Province and Thepsatid District Chaiyaphum Province. Data were collected from the questionnaire and analyzed by using inferential statistics including t-test. The results of this research showed that: 1. The model of VHVs potential development for behavior modification for liver fluke prevention of local people in Northeast region consisted of three main measures as follows: (1) service-based process (2) home-based process and (3) community-based process 2. The results of testing the model of VHVs development for behavior modification for liver fluke prevention of local people in Northeast region showed that: (1) service-based process statistically significantly of VHVs’ perceived barriers, self-efficacy and behavior for liver fluke prevention, and perceived ability of learning management through VHVs home visiting. The sample’s post-test score was higher than pre-test score at a .001 statistical significance level. (2) home-based process statistically significantly of perceived barriers, self-efficacy and behavior for liver fluke prevention. The sample’s post-test score was higher than pre-test score at a .001 statistical significance level and (3) community-based process found that the area that developed innovations for live fluke prevention gained 26.19% response rate, which was pass the standard criteria level.


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How to Cite

ลิมปวิทยากุล ม, บุญช่วยธนาสิทธิ์ ก, ไชยพาน น, พลราชม จ, ศุกลปักษ์ ม. The model of Village Health Volunteers development for behavior modification for liver fluke prevention of local people in Northeast region. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];42(1):15-24. Available from:



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