Preventative model for lead exposure in children at child development centres based on community participation in the upper southern Thailand.


  • เกษรา ญาณเวทย์สกุล Bureau of General Communicable Disease Control, Department of Disease Control
  • วิยะดา แซ่เตีย Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 11, Nakhonsri Thammarat



community participatory, lead in the environment, child development centre, prevention of childhood lead poisoning


This research was a participation action research. The aimed of this research was to study environmental lead and develop a model to prevent lead exposure in children at child development centres by community participation in 7 provinces in the upper southern areas. The purposive sampling was used to collect data from 2 centres of each province all together 14 centres govern by local administrative organizations and municipalities. Descriptive statistic was applied for the analysis. The amount of lead in the environment of child development centres was conducted by wipe method. Questionnaire was used to receive general data, environment and teacher activities to reduce lead exposure in children at child development centres. The formulation of a preventative model for lead exposure in children at child development centres was obtained by community stakeholder participation process, once at each province. The research was illustrated that all 140 samples were positive for lead in the environment with 22 samples (15.71%) showed the amount higher than the guideline (≥4.30 µg/100 cm²). The most place to find was at the metal-painted outdoor playground equipments such as climbing steel frame, swing, rocking horse and slide. Floor cleaning and mopping is conducted everyday but 1-3 times per week for window cleaning. It was also found that 81.35% of teachers have less knowledge on lead exposure and the harm of lead in child development centre environment. From the group process activities in 7 provinces and the recommendation from occupational and environmental diseases expert, the development on the preventative model on lead exposure in children at child development centre was formulated as follows; (1) Formulate a policy/guideline on the use of paint, purchasing, and repairing the playground equipments by the municipality/ local administrative organization. (2) Perform cleaning activity to reduce lead contamination in child development centre environment for example classroom, playground equipment, learning material, bedding etc by teachers. (3) Educate teachers, parents and local administrative organization/municipality officers on lead poisoning by local public health officers. (4) Educate and monitor children on healthy habits such as hand washing before having food and after outdoor activities by teachers and parents. (5) Assess the activity to reduce lead exposure every 3 months by local public health officers and local administrative organization/municipality officers The result from this research can be adapted to apply at child development centre in other areas to prevent lead exposure and reduce the risk of lead poisoning in children.


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How to Cite

ญาณเวทย์สกุล เ, แซ่เตีย ว. Preventative model for lead exposure in children at child development centres based on community participation in the upper southern Thailand. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];44(2):217-26. Available from:



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