Effectiveness of the dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control program using community participation


  • ศณิษา ตันประเสริฐ Department of Social Medicine, Lampang Hospital




community participation, larvae index, dengue hemorrhagic fever, intervention


Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a major public-health concern of Thailand, including Lampang Province. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control program using community participation. This randomized control trial study was implemented 5 months in 2 intervention communities and 2 control communities, totally 1,670 houses and the outcome was measured by larvae indexes. There were established multisectoral dengue action committees in two intervention communities that included public health officers, community leaders, village health volunteers, community members to participate in the activities; analyzed data, formalized appropriate dengue prevention and control action plan using their own resources, performed and evaluated the program and rectified the proper activities. All activities were accomplished as defined. Among interventional communities, means of larvae indexes included Breteau Index (BI), House Index (HI) and Container Index (CI) were all significant decrease 28.27, 10.10% and 9.46%, respectively, but not change compared to control communities. Mean difference of BI, HI and CI of interventional communities were significance decrease 27.79, 8.71% and 7.59% than of control communities after intervention. These results showed that the dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control program using community participation is effective to reduce larvae indexes in the communities


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How to Cite

ตันประเสริฐ ศ. Effectiveness of the dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control program using community participation. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];44(2):185-96. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/151237



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