The effectiveness of behavioral promoting program to promote increase personal protective equipment (PPE) using among solid waste collectors, Bang Mueang Tambon Municipality, Samut Prakan Province


  • สุปรีดิ์ เดชา Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • สมคิด ปราบภัย Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University



health promotion, personal protective equipment, solid waste collector, health adverse


This research aimed to study the effectiveness of behavioral program by using personal protective equipment (PPE) among solid waste collectors. The research was conducted with quasi experiment study, pretest-posttest one group design. The participants were 100 solid waste collectors from Bang Mueang Municipality, Samut Prakan Province. The behavior promotion program was used to measure the personal protective equipment using behaviors among solid waste collectors. Data was collected by using PPE questionnaires and illness and injury status questionnaires. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. After the behavior promotion program was implemented, the study implement the program, the results con­cluded that all of solid waste collector had behavioral in using daily working with long sleeves, long trousers, gloves, boots, and protective mask (98.0%); increasing behavior were 22.0%, 12.4%, 23.5%, 96.1%, and 92.2% respectively. As a result, it can be reduced dermis and respiratory symptom and injuries by shape in working of solid waste collector.


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How to Cite

เดชา ส, ปราบภัย ส. The effectiveness of behavioral promoting program to promote increase personal protective equipment (PPE) using among solid waste collectors, Bang Mueang Tambon Municipality, Samut Prakan Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];44(1):30-7. Available from:



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