Evaluation of disease control competent district project management at the district level in year 2012


  • กริ่งแก้ว สอาดรัตน์ Division of Planning
  • ฉันทนา เจนศุภเสรี Division of Planning
  • กิตติ พุฒิกานนท์ Public Health Technical Officer, Advisory Level
  • พรทิพา นิลเปลี่ยน Division of Planning




disease control competent district project, evaluation, project management


This study aimed to evaluate the management of District Health System (DHS) project. The purposes were to (1) analyze the management structure of DHS in district level (2) estimate satisfaction level and recommendations from the DHS Commission in district level and (3) determine expectations from any top executives both inside and outside the Department of Disease Control which driven strong policy on DHS. The population of this study comprised of two groups: the first one is from all networking partners who appointed to be the DHS Commission in district level in Fiscal Year 2012 totaling of 76 provinces (except Bangkok). The second is from top executives both inside and outside the Department of Disease Control in Fiscal Year 2012 totaling of 105 people. This study used purposive sampling with important attributes as follows: Group 1 had been chosen from high performance DHS districts in Fiscal Year 2012, one district per province totaling of 76 districts/76 provinces (except Bangkok) and chosen from other districts by one district per Inspector General Region totaling of 18 districts. Therefore, Group 1 had overall 94 samplings, which collected data from 10-15 DHS Commission in district level totaling of 273 samples. Group 2 had been selected top executives from outside the Department of Disease Control including 5 Inspector-General of Public Health Ministry and 76 Provincial Chief Medical Officer or Provincial Deputy Chief Medical Officer totaling of 81 samples, together with top executives within the Department of Disease Control who related to DHS project including 4 Deputy Director-General, 4 Senior Advisers, 6 Directors of Academic Bureau and 10 Directors of Disease Prevention and Control Region 1-12 totaling of 24 samplings. So, Group 2 had overall 105 samples. The data were collected between May and September in Fiscal Year 2012 by the working task force using qualified questionnaires. The results showded that (1) Every district has DHS project management structure by commission, which most staff from Public Health Ministry appointed as important role such as Vice Chairman or Secretary. (2) Most of The DHS Commission in district level are very satisfied with benefits and participation from DHS project. They suggest the DHS project should proceed further as well as communicate in the role of best practice. (3) The DHS project should have driven by Public Health Ministry along with cooperation from both inside and outside the Ministry. The Department of Disease Control should responsible in communication this best practice. While each of the Provincial Public Health Office, District and Municipality should also coordinate and integration on working together much more than present in order to avoid any obstacles.


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How to Cite

สอาดรัตน์ ก, เจนศุภเสรี ฉ, พุฒิกานนท์ ก, นิลเปลี่ยน พ. Evaluation of disease control competent district project management at the district level in year 2012. Dis Control J [internet]. 2015 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];41(3):179-8. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/145713



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